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SatoshiwoIf last won the day on December 11 2021

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  • Favorite Game I suck, so none of them

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  1. I dont have the link though... was just informed about the challenge when i shared this ss
  2. 5x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GO6N2WPLGHLF 15x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GO6S5CWUAFIR 25x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GOE6HLM3HEDV
  3. hard to believe that 13 btt is 5 cents now... cant say I didnt see that coming a mile away. nice multi
  4. well... looks like I've got 1 week to work from just recharges and aim for a multiplier like I've got on my profile banner or better. I'll certainly give it al the hell I can muster up and either do something impressive, or go down in a blazing fireball 5 cents at a time.
  5. who the hell actually reads these anyway...

    https://oxygenbank.onelink.me/vjPj/2fc6d87b  👀

    ☝️click that shit
                           download that shit☝️
    ☝️ sign up for that shit☝️
                                                             🤚spend that shit.✋


    Read more  
  6. Well ill just keep editing this one as the tasks are completed in no particular order... starting with task 2, found the sentence. placeholder list: - complete - - - - - - Found the line "Encourage miners to mine" - free point - complete - - - - - - - - Complete -- - - - Complete - - - -- I found the Jokerizer before it was available, being first @Coco_Father I proclaim this the Jokerizer mode bonus win - - - - - -- - - - complete -done - done, (hard to believe it was that fast) -I told @Coconuta but I doubt I'll ever hear back. I'll tell you as well @Coco_Father when I see you online.--- scratch that, I told Muffin. - -
  7. well im stilllll rolling along... every 10 mins.. at least with the min bet being 10 cents its either I flip my recharge to allow at least 10+ rolls per recharge.. or just take the chance on 10 cent/max bidding each recharge either way... I sure hope I land at least 1 26x by tomorrow... i mean... I dont think I would be me if I didnt get 1 multi that low in keno... but... considering my past few weeks.. hell even my birthday turned into a catastrophe.. I need to just antistrophe now
  8. same here, you might wanna consider adjusting your bet by halving it 1 or 5 times,in an effort to allow the opportunity to hit the multiplier at the bid requirement even if those wont place you at a qualifying position, you will have an awful lot better chance after like 20-40 bids to make a small budget into a workable one.
  9. you and I both... so nobody's posted a win aside from your 2? i wont give up til I get at least a photo-op for one, even if it means I dont place
  10. thats like 10.74 cents each right now... soo... about 2.09 trx 0.1074usdt 1.92 doge
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